Previously we mentioned the possibility of a parent education session of pediatric CPR.  We have not had any “formal” responses but have heard from the teachers that “some folks are interested.”  Please see Ms. Maggie if this is the case and we will schedule a class to be held here at the school. 

Extra, Extra, Read All About it!

To contact us:

Phone: 843-986-1090

Fax: 843-986-0151



Pediatric CPR Class for Parents!

Make Tub Time Fun Time

Not all children are equally enthusiastic about scrubbing away the day’s dirt, but the following hints may help parents make kids more receptive to some good, clean fun:


1.Think safety first. Use a non-slip mat in the tub to prevent falls, and a special cover for faucets to guard against bumps and burns.


2.Add some bubbles. Bubble baths specially formulated for kids can make mountains of colorful foam that can be sculpted and scrubbed with.  Some of these can irritate skin if left on after bath time so make sure to rinse off well.


3.Have some special toys reserved for tub time. A rubber ducky, plastic boats or even an empty dishwashing bottle can entertain a youngster while Mom or Dad wash away the dirt.


4.Use child-friendly soaps and shampoos. If kids are scared of getting the suds in their eyes, let them wear swim goggles or plastic visors.


5.Buy special waterproof bath books about ducks, whales, fish or other aquatic creatures. Act out the stories with toys.


6.Let them splash - a little. After all, it’s only water. Avoid overfilling the tub to prevent tidal waves from washing out over the bathroom floor.



Lukas in


Ms. Becky’s Baby…

Briar Lucas born January 26, 2005, 7 lbs. 10 oz., 20 inches long

Ms. Julie & Ms. Oronda had the most strikes from our teams at the bowling tournament!